ow to get Bangladesh JSC/JDC Exam result 2012 by SMS?
Get Bangladesh Junior School Certificate (JSC)/ JDC 2012 result by SMS on 27 Dec.
27 December 2012 will be published JSC/JDC Exam result in Bangladesh. 10 education board include Madrasha board (Junior Dakhil) all of result have been published on this day after 4pm local time.How to get Bangladesh JSC/JDC Exam result 2012 by SMS?
How to get Bangladesh JSC/JDC Exam result 2012 by SMS |
type your message option:
JSC <space>DHA <space>Roll Number
And send to 16222
Example: jsc DHA 123456
[only use to get JDC <space>MAD <space>Roll Number and send 16222]