Sking S535 Flash File Download Here (Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini Copy)
>>> Getting Mobile Connection Info...
VCC Pin:
GND Pin:5,
Signal Pin:1, 2, 3, 4,
>>> Scanning Mobile PinOut...
>>> USB Pinfind No need Hold Mobile Power key...
USB Pin Out: D+:3 D-:2
>>> Searching Mstar Driver...
For Mstar 853XB CPU;You need Hold Down the Power KEY.
Find Mstar DriverI:\ --> GCREADER
CPU Name:MSW8533D
Connecting Mstar CPU of the Mobile....
>>> Downloading First Boot...
>>> Downloading Second Boot...
BOOT version: 0x050618
Mobile RAM: 0x00400000
Flash Name:SPANSION_S71NS256RC0
Flash ID:0x00011703
Flash Size:0x02000000 -> 32M
>>> Initializing Boots...
>>> Reading Flash...
Reading Flash Done...